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How to Obtain a Residence Permit in the Dominican Republic

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How to Obtain a Residence Permit in the Dominican Republic

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”90″ tablet=”70″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”40″][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInLeft”]As of June 1, 2012, immigration matters in the Dominican Republic are governed by Law 285-04 on Migration and its Regulation 631-11, dated August 15, 2004 and October 19, 2011, respectively. According to these regulations, the following persons may not obtain resident status in the Dominican Republic:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInLeft”]1) Those who suffer from a contagious disease, except if they have the support of family members residing in the Dominican Republic.

2) Those who suffer from a mental illness that alters their behavior.

3) Those who have a criminal record or are serving a sentence for organized crime, drug trafficking or use, human trafficking, prostitution, terrorism or other serious crimes.

4) Those who have been deported from the country or have been prohibited from entering, unless they obtain re-entry authorization. The residence permits granted by the Dominican Government are of two types: temporary and permanent. Generally, if you want to establish your residence in the country, you must first apply for a temporary residence permit. To apply for permanent residence, you must have been a temporary resident for five years.

However, it is possible to immediately apply for permanent residence without first obtaining temporary residence if you meet the requirements established for one of the following four special categories:

1) Investors with a participation of at least US $ 200,000 in the capital of a Dominican company.

2) Retirees who receive a monthly pension of a minimum of US $ 1,500.

3) Rentistas with minimum incomes of US $ 2,000 per month for five years or more.

4) Spouses or children of Dominicans or foreigners with permanent residence in the Dominican Republic. In any case, the first step to obtain the residence permit, whether temporary or permanent, is to apply for the residence visa at the Dominican consulate closest to your residence abroad. Contrary to what happened before, it is no longer possible to apply for a residence visa in the Dominican Republic.[/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”80″ tablet=”70″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”40″][vc_zigzag][vc_column_text]

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The documents necessary for you to submit your visa application are the following:

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInLeft”]1) Photographs.

2) Passport with a minimum validity of 18 months.

3) Photocopy of your identity documents, including the residence permit if you are not a citizen of the country in which you submit your application.

4) Birth certificate.

5) Marriage certificate if you are married.

6) Certificate of no criminal record issued by the authorities of your current country of residence.

7) Medical certificate issued by the health authorities of the country where you reside.

8) Documents that justify your interest in residing in the Dominican Republic (for example, a contract or job offer from a Dominican company).

9) Letter signed before a notary by a Dominican or foreigner permanently resident in the Dominican Republic that guarantees that you will never be a burden on the Dominican State. (Guzmán Ariza will provide you with this letter as part of his services).

10) Documents that justify your financial solvency. Documents whose originals are not in Spanish should be translated into Spanish, preferably by the interpreter from the Dominican consulate. Likewise, documents that do not come from the Dominican Republic must be “apostilled” in the country where they are issued, except in the case of those countries where the apostille does not proceed, in which said documents must be legalized in the nearest Dominican consulate. in that country.

The Dominican consulate in charge of your request may require additional documents to those listed above. You can include in your visa application the visa application of your spouse and minor children, attaching your marriage certificate and the birth certificates of your children, as well as their passports, photographs, etc. When your visa application is approved, the Dominican consulate in your country of residence will stamp the Dominican residence visa, valid for sixty days, in your passport and deliver the documents of your application. According toimmigration regulationsYou must then proceed to enter Dominican territory to request your residence permit while your resident visa is in force.

The temporary residence permit must be renewed every year, personally depositing the corresponding application thirty days before the permit expires. With your renewal application, you must deposit the following documents: residence card, ID, passport with a minimum validity of 18 months, photographs, certificate of no criminal record of the Dominican Republic and letter signed before a notary by your guarantor in the Republic Dominican. Forty-five days before your fifth birthday as a temporary resident, you can apply for a permanent residence permit in the Dominican Republic.

New medical exams are required for this application, as well as the deposit of the following documents: temporary residence card, personal identity card, passport with a minimum validity of 18 months, photographs, certificate of no criminal record in the Dominican Republic, signed letter before a notary for its guarantor in the Dominican Republic and proof of its economic solvency. The General Directorate of Migration may require additional documents if it deems it appropriate.

The first permanent residence permit will be valid for only one year; the subsequent ones, for four years, except those of retirees and rentiers, which will be valid for two years. For the renewal of permanent residence, new medical examinations are required, as well as a residence card, identity card, passport with a minimum validity of 18 months, photographs, a certificate of no criminal record of the Dominican Republic, a letter signed before a notary by its guarantor in the Dominican Republic and solvency test.

Retirees and rentiers must also demonstrate that they received the corresponding pension or income monthly in the Dominican Republic. After ten years as a permanent resident in the country, there will be no need to renew your permit again and you will receive a definitive residence card. You can apply for Dominican citizenship, if you wish, after two years of being granted permanent residence in the country.

Investment residents and spouses of Dominican citizens, however, will be able to do so after just six months of obtaining their residence. Finally, it is worth noting that it is illegal to enter, stay or work in the Dominican Republic without authorization from the immigration authorities or with expired authorization, they are a penalty of deportation. Companies that employ people without residence will be subject to sanctions and penalties.[/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”90″ tablet=”70″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”40″][g5plus_button title=”Original Tex in spanish” style=”classic” css_animation=”fadeInRightBig” link=”|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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