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What is the Kaizen method? Method to improve sales

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[vc_row][vc_column][g5plus_heading sub_title=”Palm Hills real estate” title=”What is the Kaizen guide ?, Method to improve sales” text_align=”text-center” css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]The kaizen guide is a method of personal, group and work improvement. Which was written on the occasion of the overcoming of the members of a company. In itself, beyond being a guide, it is a philosophy of life that a person or entity can adopt to improve their abilities; and solve those weaknesses that the person may have.

Currently there are many books on these topics, and the truth is that we will not find one as complete as the kaizen guide; It happens that here not only does personal life interpret, but the individual’s work life is added to it; understanding that this is part of one that is his life itself. It makes sense to have to improve certain things in our life outside of work to improve internally.

The origin of the word kaizen is very simple, it means according to the Japanese language “change to good” or “good change”. This means that only through positive changes; that she gives us to prove, is that we are going to emerge as a company or as individuals, whatever the case.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]

What is the kaizen guide about?

The main problem that the kaizen guide finds is acceptance, you cannot accept something that is wrong, or it is a mistake; it must be led to constant improvement. A fault cannot be accepted and say that one is going to live alongside it, the fault must be eradicated; once eliminated we must follow some tips to maintain ourselves over time, this is because the kaizen guide does not accept that after improving we accept to return to them.

The main words used by the Kaizen philosophy are two: “commitment” and “discipline”. This turns out, that it is very difficult to solve the errors that emanate from each being. Especially those that are done repeatedly; repeated mistakes are a problem that we have to solve, and the only way is to reach a state of commitment strong enough to defeat them.

One of the most important things about the kaizen guide is the evaluation and planning process. We must have a plan to reach the objectives, whatever the circumstance. But for that we must go to an internal thought process; where we realize what would be the best way to act in the kaizen guide.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]

How to improve sales with the kaizen guide?

To improve sales with the kaizen guide we must understand the 4 fundamental processes to do what we propose.

  • Planning and approach: The first and foremost thing we must know is that in this case we are going to sell. We have to explore what selling implies, this leads us to the fact of having to convince, for which we have to make a plan regarding the type of client we have in front of, and how we should approach it. Also, internally we have to know what mistakes we are making.
  • Actions: If it is known that we have a bad presentation, for example, the action we must take is to accommodate that problem. In the planning process, what we did was think about the actions that must be taken to solve a problem. Now what we need is to take the step and start putting that in motion.
  • Verification: Verify if the actions deserve to be accommodated according to the circumstances; If the answer is yes, we must insist on sustaining those positive points that we have achieved, and taking new measures to eradicate those points that we have not been able to improve.
  • Action: Once the problem is eradicated, we must act to stay where we are; for that reason the system requires constant commitment from the person who executes it. Once all this is achieved, it is certain that we will fail in fewer sales, and we will be able to improve ourselves as a company or as an individual.

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Keep a good change

It is important to know that maintaining a good change is not easy at all, this requires a lot of discipline. Discipline and commitment is the essential basis for maintaining something good over time; For that reason it is difficult to maintain the kaizen method and you must understand that nothing in life is easy, this only gives you a guide to lead your life better.

It is impossible for someone who is not committed to maintaining good change to be successful; This is because the biggest error we can have is relapse, we must visualize this error more strongly than the others. Falling back into mistakes is worse than never having accommodated them because it generates a crisis in the system, which usually leads to the relapse to last. It is useless every time to get out of something when in a matter of time we will always return to the beginning, relapse is the error of wasted time which is an error that is considered fatal. This is because time is never recovered.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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