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The most effective real estate sales techniques to sell.

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[vc_row][vc_column][g5plus_heading title=”The most effective real estate sales techniques to sell” css_animation=”right-to-left”][g5plus_space desktop=”90″ tablet=”70″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”40″][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Process of selling a property: CIMA model:

An individual who wants to buy or sell their home does not go through the same phases as someone who wants to buy a soft drink. Understanding the steps consumers take from the moment they feel the need is key to optimizing our resources and being more effective.

The CIMA structure offers you four steps that will help you in the first phases of the purchasing process, where the customer’s motivations are so important:


Those levers and brakes that drive or stop our client will allow us to anticipate their motivations and attract them to our real estate agency.


It is possible to influence the vision of those points that our clients are not visualizing. Thus, our commercial work will be more effective. And consumers will move forward in the real estate sales process, which is what we want.


This step of the model serves to establish agreements on previous points to advance.


In this last step, we design an action plan together with our clients. We take you by the hand to the completion of the sale, improving your customer experience, and meeting your needs.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Technique to please the clients of a real estate agent: KANO model:

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_gallery images=”50920″ columns=”4″ image_size=”gallery-size-md” css_animation=”left-to-right” items_md=”-1″ items_sm=”-1″ items_xs=”-1″ items_mb=”-1″][vc_column_text]Announced in the 80s, its author, the Japanese Noriaki Kano, establishes 5 categories to study the characteristics that a product must satisfy for a typical customer:

Attractive factors.

According to the Kano model, we should include factors that are surprising or shocking to the client, but that if they did not exist, the client himself would not miss them.

Linear factors.

These features are nice to customers when they are out, and they dislike when they are not. They are usually characteristic properties of the brand, which distinguish it from its competitors.

Indifferent factors.

They are those parts or elements of the product that are not normally used, and that if they are not present, customers do not feel dissatisfied. In this way, detecting these elements can save us implementation and development costs.

Essential or basic factors.

In this case, we would be referring to the characteristics that are a fundamental part of our service, without which it would not be complete and that would cause great dissatisfaction to our client.

Rejection factors.

In the Kano model, the rejection factors are those characteristics that do not go with the ideal client or target we are targeting.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Real estate sales closing techniques: SPIN method:

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_gallery images=”50923″ columns=”4″ image_size=”gallery-size-md” css_animation=”left-to-right” items_md=”-1″ items_sm=”-1″ items_xs=”-1″ items_mb=”-1″][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]Formulated by the copier company Rank Xerox in the 90s and yet its simplicity keeps it going. The method takes its name from the English initials of Situation, Problem, Implication, Need pay off and offers us the necessary steps to establish relationships of trust with our clients that endure over time.

Situation, basic questions.

This first phase of the SPIN method can be applied to different situations, such as a phone call or the design of a seasonal campaign. It is time to ask simple questions aimed at knowing the basic data of our client.

Problem, detecting needs.

To move toward the sale, the real estate agent must know the problems that his product can solve. In our sector, this phase is vital to gain customer trust. We must “open our ears”, that is, dedicate 80% of the time we interact to listening, instead of speaking.

Involvement, building a future together.

An expert commercial real estate agent will find out the consequences of the problems detected in the previous phase. These consequences generate losses and untapped opportunities.

Profit, everyone wins.

A good commercial work is capable of magnifying the detected problems and that the client perceives it. In this way, the benefits will be presented in a more forceful way.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

1-click method: How to adapt the Amazon technique in a real estate agency:

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_gallery images=”50928″ columns=”4″ image_size=”gallery-size-md” css_animation=”left-to-right” items_md=”-1″ items_sm=”-1″ items_xs=”-1″ items_mb=”-1″][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]The exact definition of the 1-click method is: “The technique that allows the customer to make online purchases with a simple click” (Wikipedia), saving the search information from the beginning to allow immediate payment, saving the consumer the trouble of returning to enter all the details of the search over and over again.

You can apply this technique in your daily work as a real estate agent by following these guidelines:

Your home … in one click!

You can keep a file with your preferences on your computer, ordered consistently and easily accessible, so that at the moment this client contacts you again, you will almost immediately have their file on the screen.

The products of your real estate website at a click!

Everything must be just 1 click away from the customer! Offering them a good website for real estate companies, tidy, with fast loading and the possibility of filtering their searches is, today, crucial.

Relationship with the client … in one click!

The presence of your real estate agent in social networks will allow these clients to write to you directly without having to leave the platforms on which they like to spend time. A contact … in 1 click.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Know Your Customer Method:

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_gallery images=”50934″ columns=”4″ image_size=”gallery-size-md” css_animation=”left-to-right” items_md=”-1″ items_sm=”-1″ items_xs=”-1″ items_mb=”-1″][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]Called KYC for its acronym in English (Know Your Customer), this real estate sales technique allows you to focus your attention on the needs and concerns of your clients, involving you in their future.

Some tips to get to know your client better and get the sale:

  • Try not to mention the property being sold in the first 30 minutes of conversation with the client. Spend that time getting to know her.
  • Do not try to give them a lesson on the real estate sector in the region, but rather solve their doubts as a teacher who wants their students to really learn.
  • Be aware at all times that your work to help the client does not end with the sale, but must last over time and perhaps, end up turning this client into a true ambassador for your brand.
  • Try to guarantee the value of what your client has acquired. Customer satisfaction at the time of post-sale should be your own satisfaction.

And when will we know that we have mastered this technique? When your client comes to you with questions unrelated to the sale of the property in question but related to the real estate sector, or when the relationship that unites you with your client is no longer dominated by mere information transactions, and goes from a state of ” I have to “to a state of” I want that “.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

AIDA model:

[/vc_column_text][g5plus_gallery images=”50946″ columns=”4″ image_size=”gallery-size-md” css_animation=”left-to-right” items_md=”-1″ items_sm=”-1″ items_xs=”-1″ items_mb=”-1″][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]In a world where we are used to being bombarded by advertisements and offers by professionals from different sectors, we need to work especially to attract current or potential customer attention.

The AIDA Model is based on four basic pillars to attract the attention of our interlocutor and take it wherever we want to direct it:

Attract Customer Attention (Attention).

To start the negotiation, use strong words that manage to focus the total attention of your interlocutor, always trying to emphasize the common objective.

Generate an interest in the client (Interest).

This step is one of the most complicated in any negotiation process. Once you’ve got their attention, you need to turn it into an interest. How? Allowing a key factor to come into play: the degree of client commitment to your professional activity.

Turn interest into desire (Desire).

While you are trying to generate an interest in your client, it will automatically begin to become a desire.

Encourage him to act (Action).

It only remains to close the sale. Your interlocutor is already convinced that he will acquire the home that you offer him and is ready to complete the purchase.

Lastly, stressing that applying pressure is not advisable at any stage of the real estate sales process, it allows the client to keep up.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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